Cybercomputing: The Maths pages
The section on computer coding and languages requires an understanding of mathematics.After all, maths is the language through which we converse with computers - we therefore need to 'speak it' a little!. I suspect that visitors to this site will have a wide range of experience and expertise in mathematics - some really comfortable and confident with maths - others dreading any need to use it! These pages are designed to give a background to the maths associated with the pages I have written to give a glimpse of the realm of computer programming to those who are not studying computers at college. Over the next few months this section will expand and hopefully sort out any problems you have with the maths. To begin with I will put links to sites I have found that explain maths jargon and procedures in a simple straightforward manner. I will then put my own slant on the topics and make them my own. This section of the site is divided into sections to help you find what you need - but remember you can always use the 'search within this site' facility - the guys from Google are great at simplifying finding things within a domain! |